Gridsome Post Comments

In this tutorial, we will look at how to add Disqus commenting into a Gridsome site. Since Gridsome is part of the Vue.js eco-system, these steps should work with any Vue.js site.

Setup Disqus

So, we are going to set up Disqus, an external service which uses an iframe to inject commenting on your site.

First step is to go to Disqus and sign up for a free account. During the account setup choose the option: 'I want to install Disqus on my site'. The next setting to watch for is when you are asked 'What platform is your site on?', pick 'Universal Code'. Make a note of the Shortname you assigned to distinguish your site, as we will use it later.

Setup Plugin

To inject Disqus on your site, we will be using the Vue package vue-disqus. To add this package to your project: yarn add vue-disque or npm install --save vue-disque.

We are going to setup vue-disqus globally, but there are additional directions for getting up a locally in the vue-disqus documentation.

Add to your main.js:

import VueDisqus from 'vue-disqus'

export default function (Vue, { head })  {

Next you need to add the component where you want the comments added. In my case, I am using Gridsome's default blog template, so I added the component to the Post template.

Insert the following:

<Disqus shortname="mysiteshortname" :identifier="$" />

Note: The above code does not agree with the current Gridsome documentation. I have prepared a Pull Request to fix this error to correspond to the vue-disqus documentation.

Now everything just works. That is it.

Optional Refactor

The above works, however if you are adding a comment block to many places in your site, we can abstract the shortname a little.

If you the include the shortname in the main.js, it will default throughout your site:

import VueDisqus from 'vue-disqus'

export default function (Vue, { head })  {
     Vue.use(VueDisqus, {
      shortname: 'your-shortname-disqus'

Then insert the component in your template like this:

<Disqus :identifier="$" />