Tagged with “git”

License file for GIT

So, you create an Open Source project and published it to GitHub. But you realize you forgot to create a LICENSE file when you created the repository. ...

Chuck Smith

Gitignore in VSCode

This week I published an article about automating the creation of a LICENSE file for GIT in VSCODE. I wanted to consider the same methodology for the ...

Chuck Smith

GIT Cache Helpers

This is a followup article in a series called Git Authentication. In the previous article, I shared how I troubleshooted an authentication error, ...

Chuck Smith

GIT Commit

Contributing on open source projects can be fun. However, if you have never made a pull request on GitHub, it can be unnerving. I am sharing my ...

Chuck Smith

Git Alias Workflow

Continuing this article series about Streamlining Workflow, must include a way to streamline our git commands. This article uses my own aliases and a ...

Chuck Smith