Tagged with “rails”

Rails Configuration

So this article you can file away as what I learned today #TIL. This surprised me so much I am writing to share. This is written specifically about ...

Chuck Smith

Pagination Styling in Rails

Adding pagination to any web site can be a challenge. Luckily, there are a few ways to accomplish this is Rails. This article will add pagination to a ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Boilerplate

So far in this series, we have looked at the benefits of using a Boilerplate to streamline your workflow, and a two articles on how to set up a React ...

Chuck Smith

Conditional CSS Classes in HAML

I have been working on a new Rails side project called Your Congress, and decided to use HAML, instead of the standard Rails templating language ...

Chuck Smith

Refactor Rails

As any one journeys through any profession, one thing holds true. Hopefully, the longer you work at it, the better your skills will develop, at least ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Testing Setup

How do you setup a Rails project for testing? In this article we will explore what a testing suite, using RSpec and other tools, for a robust ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Code Along

So I am always looking for ways to increase my skills on the Ruby on Rails platform. As I look for first professional dev job, afters years as a ...

Chuck Smith

Rails DRY Controllers

In any programming language, it is important to create DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code. In this article we will explore three methods of writing ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Active Storage

On any web application, the ability to use images are tantamount. In a Ruby on Rails project, using Active Storage increases the flexibility to use ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Gravatar

In the previous article in this series, we learned about Active Storage. We set up an interface to allow a user to add an Avatar to their user ...

Chuck Smith

New Rails Template

In this article we take a look at a more complete Rails template, to start a new Rails project. Why? With a custom template, you can start developing ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Multiple Seed Files

If you have a larger Rails project, or a project with many resources, managing one database seed file can get out of hand. In the name of DRY-ing out ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Search with pg_search

A search bar is an especial feature as a web application grows. There are several ways to implement this feature in a Rails application. This article ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Image Helper

Often times when developing application, there are times that a developer may need to include logic to conditionally render UI elements. For instance, ...

Chuck Smith

Rails Basic Template

There is no need for developers to walking the same path, performing the same tasks at the beginning of any project, over and over again. That is what ...

Chuck Smith

Dev Environment with Localhost SSL

Have you ever wanted to set up SSL for localhost development on your computer? No? Honestly, as hard as this can be at times, me neither. What ...

Chuck Smith

Devise Profile Usernames

I have worked on several projects recently with user accounts managed by Devise, and I have been working at changing the way user profile URL's are ...

Chuck Smith

Set Up Rbenv Revisited

I have been working on setting up a new operating system distribution. I took some time to test out a different package manager, but ended up going ...

Chuck Smith

Learning Rails

So, I decided to write this article to share a few resources I have used over the last twenty months of learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails in the hopes ...

Chuck Smith